Frontrow Luxxe White Glutathione Supplement Benefits

What is Glutathione and benifits to our body? How does glutathione help the body?
Glutathione is a Master Antioxidants of our body. Master Antioxidants neutralize our free radicals in our body, includes pollutant or an excess of minerals in our body.
Glutathione is made up of three amino acid GlutamineGlycine and Cysteine and no have no adverse side effects to our body. 
Learn 27 Scientifically Proven Health Benefits of Glutathione
1.    Help fight oxidative stress in the body
2.    May control inflammation
3.    Anti-Aging
4.    May prevent depression and stress
5.    May Limit Neurodegeneration, Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, Huntington’s disease
6.    Help fight Infections
7.    May Heal the Gut
8.    May help treat Autism
9.    May help prevent cancer
10. May help treat psychiatric disorders
11. Increasing glutathione levels may Help ADHD
12. May help in preventing heart disease
13. May help treat diabetic complications
14. May help prevent kidney disease
15. Help protects against liver damage
16. May help prevent drug addiction
17. May prevent or reduce consumption of drugs or alcohol
18. May help control cell damage
19. Help respiratory issues
20. Can help treat sleep apnea
21. May help reduce or treat acne
22. May help treat rheumatoid arthritis
23. Helps prevent glaucoma and cataracts
24.  Help promote healthy pregnancy
25. May help treat AIDS
26. May help treat cystic fibrosis
27. Skin whitening or lightening agent

1. How long to see the effect of Luxxe White?

Disclaimers: Results may vary according to different individuals.

Read Best Health Benefits of Glutathione 

2. Why is that some people have a faster result than other?

Results may vary depending on a person's metabolism and existing glutathione level in your body.

3. Luxxe White recommended dosage?
Take Luxxe White 30 minutes before meals or on an empty stomach for best absorption of the body. Take 4 times a day.
4. Is there glutathione overdose?

There is no known over dosage because LUXXE WHITE is water-soluble, you'll just urinate any excess dosage you've taken.

Glutathione in your system will be excreted through urine or bile.
Glutathione can be given at a daily dose of more than 500mg to some people.
Luxxe White and its component ingredients are all supplements; they already exist in our bodies.  

5. What makes LUXXE WHITE different compared to other whitening pills?
Aside from award winning, LUXXE White ENHANCED Glutathione has a higher absorption rate compared to other REDUCED formulas found in the market.
The ingredients in LUXXE WHITE are not only powerful individually, but also work together in what is known as antioxidant cycling.
Antioxidant cycling is a term that describes how antioxidants work together to extend each other's lives and make each other more potent.
This is also the reason why luxxe white effective when it comes to whitening skin during long-term use.

6. Is it advisable to continue using some whitening creams or gels while using?

Yes. You may continue using whitening creams and gels while taking LUXXE WHITE.

7. Can LUXXE WHITE give me an equal skin tone?

Luxxe White allows you to achieve a fair and even skin-tone.

8. Is LUXXE WHITE a drug, vitamin or supplement?

LUXXE WHITE is considered a food and dietary supplement.

It is not a drug and there are no known contraindications and precautions to be taken into consideration.

9. Should I stop taking the pill once I have achieved my desired skin tone?

Once you have achieved your desired skin tone/complexion, you can stop because your glutathione level is already boosted.

Your skin will remain fair unless if you have long exposed to sunlight.
But as long as you have achieved your desired result, it will not turn back to your previous skin-tone.
However, if you have noticed that you're no longer satisfied with your skin, you could take ONE (1) capsule of LUXXE WHITE for maintenance purposes or use Frontrow whitening soap instead.

10. Is it safe to expose my skin to sunlight while taking LUXXE WHITE?

Whether you take Luxxe White or not, you should always protect your skin from long sun exposure.

Sunlight provides Vitamin D, but overexposure will directly affect the whitening process.
Always stay in the shade, use umbrella or use sunblock or sunscreen lotion that provides an SPF (Sun Protection Factor) of 45-60 to protect you from the harmful effects of the sun. 
You may try Frontrow's newest Korean Skin Care InstaBright Body Creme Award winning as the Most Luxurious Skin Whitening Product during the Asia-Pacific Excellence Awards 

11. Why is LUXXE WHITE considered as liver food?

The level of glutathione in the liver is critically linked to the livers ability to detoxify.

The higher the glutathione content, the greater the liver capacity to detoxify harmful chemicals.
Typically, when we are exposed to chemicals to which can damage the liver including alcohol, the concentration of glutathione in the liver is substantially reduced.
This reduction makes the liver susceptible to damage. (Source: Nature's Potent Liver Remedy by Dr. Murray.)

12. Are there any luxxe white side effects from long-term use?

There are no known side effects or adverse reactions with oral administration of LUXXE WHITE for prolonged use.

The only side effect is the SKIN WHITENING effect itself.

13. Is LUXXE WHITE safe to be taken by young teens?

LUXXE WHITE can be safely taken by anyone above 15 years old. 15-17 years old is recommended to take 1 capsule a day before bed time.

14. Does LUXXE WHITE have any side effects?

The only side effect of LUXXE WHITE is the WHITENING of your skin.

15. Is it better to take LUXXE WHITE on an empty or full stomach?

LUXXE WHITE can be taken 30 minutes before or after meal but it is best taken on an empty stomach.

However it is not advisable for you to take luxxe white on an empty stomach if you have problems like ulcer, hyper-acidity, etc.
Take it 30 mins after meal or immediately after meal if you have this disorders.

16. Can male take LUXXE WHITE?

Yes, a man's basic skin structure is the same as a woman's.

17. Is LUXXE WHITE FDA Approved?

Yes, LUXXE WHITE is FDA Approved.

18. Where to Buy Luxxe White?

Buy only from reputable sellers at their suggested retail price (SRP) prices to ensure product quality, genuine and satisfaction. 

L-Glutamic acid - 180mg

What Is L-Glutamic Acid?
L-glutamic acid, also known as glutamic acid, is one of the many components of proteins.

L-glutamic acid is found either as a free amino acid or as part of a protein in food. While you get some of your L-glutamic acid from animal protein, plant proteins contain it in higher amounts. It's also the primary component in the flavor enhancer monosodium glutamate, or MSG, so it's found in certain processed foods as well.

Like its fellow amino acid glutamate, it is produced naturally by the body; however, it is a different type of amino acid. While many people take glutamine supplements, L-glutamic acid is produced naturally by the body in amounts adequate for most people.
It also has some surprising effects on both the brain and the environment. 

·   Glycine - 200mg
Glycine is the amino acid that has a single hydrogen atom as its side chain.
It is the simplest possible amino acid.
The chemical formula of glycine is NH₂‐CH₂‐COOH. Glycine is one of the proteinogenic amino acids. 
·   L-Cysteine - 120mg
L-cysteine is used therapeutically and nutritionally to improve the health of humans.It’s a basic building block of glutathione, which has been coined “the mother of all antioxidants.”
L-cysteine supplementation, also known as N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC), is valued for its ability to increase glutathione levels in the body, which is extremely important for lung function, brain function and liver detoxification.
Because a number of health conditions deplete your glutathione levels, you need L-cysteine to make more within your brain and body tissues.
·        NAC - 100mg
NAC has so many uses and can help people with a diverse set of issues, including mood disorders, brain issues, lung problems, sleep disorders, infections and in states of oxidative stress.  It can even help protect you from flu.
·        Vitamin C - 100mg
Vitamin C (also known as ascorbic acid) is abundant in vegetables and fruits.
A water-soluble vitamin and powerful antioxidant, it helps the body form and maintain connective tissue, including bones, blood vessels, and skin.
·        Alpha Lipoic Acid - 50mg
Alpha-lipoic acid is an antioxidant that's in many foods, and it's made naturally in our bodies.
For many years, high doses of alpha-lipoic acid supplements have been used in parts of Europe for certain types of nerve damage. Studies suggest that they might also help with type 2 diabetes

·        Grapeseed Extract - 25mg 
Grape seed extract is an industrial derivative of grape seeds, extremely rich in antioxidants and oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes.
The extract has been linked to a wide range of possible therapeutic properties.
Its benefits may help in the treatment of conditions such as high cholesterolatherosclerosismacular degeneration, poor circulation, and nerve damage.

Other Ingredients: Vegetable Capsule

·    Each capsule of Luxxe White Enhanced Glutathione (775mg) contains:
·   Glutathione Blend- L-Glutamic Acid (180mg), Glycine (200mg), L-Cysteine (120mg).
·    Vitamin C 100mg- known as a potent booster of glutathione.
·   N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) 100mg- can help reduce the appearance of blemishes, age
   spots and even wrinkles.
·  Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) 50mg- has been directly linked to skin care as a primary
  antioxidant that prevents aging and inflammation.
· Grapeseed Extract 25mg- grape seeds and grape seed extract are rich in powerfula
  antioxidants and natural plant compounds called oligomeric.

19. Luxxe White Price?
·  60 capsules SRP ₱2,980.00 FREE SHIPPING NATIONWIDE.

If you bought your Luxxe Products lower than its Suggested Retail Price (SRP). We cannot guarantee its authenticity.  It might be tampered, expired, damaged or even fake. Buy only from reputable sellers at their corresponding prices to ensure product quality and satisfaction.

20. How to take Luxxe White proper or best way:
Direk Raymond Francisco (Frontrow International President) on proper intake of Luxxe White.
Take Luxxe White 30 minutes before meals for best absorption in the body 4x a day.

Don't take 2 capsule at the same time, you'll just urinate the excess gluta.

Take 1 capsule every 4 hours on an empty stomach.

The darker your skin tone, the longer it will start to take effect.
Expect to see lightening of your skin tone only after consuming 3 bottles of regular use based on all Fontrow Luxxe White regular users.
Continue to the third bottle of Luxxe White for better result..
For fast result avoid long exposure to sunlight or use sunblock.


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